It’s the weekend!

I forgot today was Friday. When le fabulous boss-lady told to us to go home and continue our work on Monday, the other two interns and I stared at her in confusion for a second. But once I realized, I was ecstatic. I can finally catch up on sleep! And clean.

Cleaning is no longer as fun as it used to be. My roommate and I set some roach traps (the ones with the poison) after we saw another roach that was definitely from the previous tenant. How do I know? Well, you should have seen the state of this place when we first moved in. The only thing that was clean was the new carpet. I haven’t seen a roach indoors since I was a child, so we couldn’t have brought them here with our stuff, which is what the manager tried to accuse us of when I told him we have fricken roaches in our apartment. But anyways, now I live in fear of cleaning and finding roach corpses.

I was late this morning, so I did my make-up in the car. While I was unlocking my door after work, my brand-new powder case and kabuki brush slipped from my hand and rolled away. The brush stopped a foot from the door, but the powder case went right over the railing into the clump of bushes and tree roots on the first floor. I ran down and spent five minutes shuffling around, parting branches and leaves and checking the ground for my case. No dice. I was about to give up when  I happened to look up ’cause my neighbor with the friendly little five-year-old kid was coming down the stairs, and I saw the stupid case on the ground, several yards from all the foliage. I didn’t even need to stick my face into those bushes. What a waste of time and energy. But I AM grateful that I found the case. I do NOT feel like another trip just to buy more powder. Shopping for new make-up is a bitch.

Oh, yeah, did I tell you I made cheesecake bars the other day? Well, my sister found this recipe for strawberry swirl chocolate chip cheesecake bars, and they were AMAZING.


We didn’t know how to artfully swirl the jam in, so my sister just mixed it with the top layer of cream cheese to form this… funky pink glob. But who cares? It tasted so good!

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